
CofE Covid-19 Updates and Guidelines

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a loving, welcoming, friendly, family, and community centred church, growing in the love and service of God to the communities in Beckton, E6 and beyond.

Chelmsford Diocese Safeguarding Information

St. Mark’s adopts the Chelmsford Diocese policy on an annual basis.

Our Identity

We are a God-centred Christian faith Community:-

That acknowledges Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

That portrays the love of Christ and Christ-like qualities.

That is bible based and encourages biblical truth and depth.

That puts prayer at the centre of our life and being.

That is active in proclaiming the gospel and deepening personal faith.

That encourages and exercises the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

That welcomes and accepts people.

That is supportive to people in their journey of faith.

That promotes community integration, and social cohesiveness.

More Involvement in the Wider Community

Praying for the needs of the wider community and world

Developing partnerships with our church and para-church agencies

Identifying the needs and responding to situation and events

Our Belief

We believe in one God who is expressed in the concept of the Trinity, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and He came to save and bring us back to God. He died and rose again and sits at the right hand of the Father as our Priest, King, and Prophet. He is the way the truth, and the life.

We believe that we all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, and are saved by God’s Grace which is His unmerited and un-earned favour.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is God, and he is involved in the life of the Christian right from the time of turning to God. He teaches us all the truth, and helps us as we seek holiness before God in spirit and truth. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to God’s people for building up of God’s Church. These gifts are as operational as they were in the early Church.

We believe in the Church local, national, universal and eternal; that the church is the body of Christ as God’s saving and prophetic agents on earth.

We believe that every Christian should submit to the ministry and leadership of the local Church and exercise their God-given gifts and talents, and skills for the edification of the Church.

We believe that we should support the church through our faithfulness to the work of God by giving our time, finances, and loyalty so that the church can reach its fullest potential.

We believe in the priesthood of all believers and the clergy and laity all called to build God’s Kingdom in their local context.

Our Priorities

We desire our Christian community to have a strong spiritual journey that promotes and fosters faith in Christ. We are working towards spiritual and numerical growth, whilst upholding and strengthening individual ministries and helping to develop leadership qualities within the Church. In doing this, we will foster the following.

Unity in Praise and Worship to God

Ensuring that our worship and life together, as Christians, is God centred;

Endeavouring to recognise and value everyone’s God-given gift thus enabling every person to reach their full potential in Christ; and

Encouraging growth and experiencing Christian maturity.

Serving the immediate community in the love of God

Loving our neighbours, understanding their situations and working to meet their needs;

Praying for communities around St Mark’s;

Facilitating a prayerful engagement to our immediate neighbours; 

Having a visible presence within the community of Beckton

Working with others, where appropriate in our outreach to the community;

Discovering what mission and evangelism means in our diverse community context; and

Encouraging more community based programmes to use our Church in order to fully utilise the space.

Working Alongside our Diocesan Vision

Inhabiting the World distinctively (Being Disciples of Christ)

Evangelizing Effectively. (Reaching out with the love of God)

Serving with Accountability. (Being good Stewards for God)

Re-imagining Ministry. (Being open to approaches to ministry)